Lumicom welcomes Environment Agency clarification

Dec 22, 2014 | Lighting

Lumicom has welcomed the recent announcement by the Environment Agency, which revises the previous guidance on the classification of luminaires with non-removable LED light sources. Rather than being classified as Category 13, along with hazardous light sources such as fluorescent and HID, these luminaires are now to be classified with other non-hazardous lighting products in Category 5.

“Since the proposals were initially publicised there has been considerable in-depth consultation within the industry and also with the Environment Agency,” explained Lumicom’s Simon Cook. “These discussions have proved invaluable in clarifying the classification of end-of-life LED luminaires with non-removable sources.

“In particular, the modifications to this classification now mean that all LED luminaires can now be consigned to the same waste stream. As a result, it will now be much easier for people on sites where LED lighting products are being removed to classify the waste correctly in compliance with the WEEE Directive. It will also greatly reduce the volume of waste being classified as hazardous, which threatened to greatly increase costs for lighting producers,” he added.

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